The Moderator has called a meeting of the Tidewater Presbytery for 9am, Saturday, August 17, 2024, at New Covenant Presbyterian Church located at 1552 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. The purpose of this meeting is to examine TE Robert Corwin of Heritage Presbytery for transfer into Tidewater Presbytery (BCO 13-6) and address the matters related to his call to be an assistant pastor at New Covenant PCA.
The request for this meeting comes from the Session of New Covenant PCA and the TWP Membership Committee, which meets the requirements to call a meeting given in BCO 13-12 (at least three TEs and three REs from at least three different churches). This should be a short meeting, so there will not be a meal. MATERIALS: Materials for the meeting are available in the members-only section of the presbytery website. You may download the combined packet or access each individual report. Please note that there is now an archive of all presbytery minutes available in this members-only section. I will send out an announcement if reports are added or updated. The password for the members-only section is: PCAinRVA51! REGISTRATION: Please register your attendance or submit your request for excused absence using the online form here. Churches/Clerks may register all their Ruling Elder Commissioners in a single form. Teaching Elder Commissioners must register individually. There is a place at the end of the form to list any visitors attending with you. Contact the Stated Clerk if you have any problems with the form. Form submissions will be accepted until noon, Friday, August 16, 2024. Comments are closed.