The Executive Committee, acting as a commission, has approved the minutes from the 30th Stated Meeting of Presbytery. The minutes are available on the members only section of the website. Contact the Stated Clerk if you need the password.
An Invitation to Churches from the PCA Administrative Committee:
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We had a magnificent time celebrating our 50th anniversary at the General Assembly in Memphis, TN. As we continue to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our denomination, I invite you to ask the church sessions in your presbytery to publicize Sunday, December 3, 2024, as our next day of prayer. This date commemorates the first GA held in Birmingham, AL, on December 4, 1973. Our prayer theme is based on the message delivered by the PCA’s first moderator, RE Jack Williamson: “To God Be the Glory.” Please encourage your churches to set aside Sunday, December 3, as a special day of prayer. We are including a suggested prayer that can be used in the worship service. Feel free to shorten or adapt it, or develop your own approach to fit your worship context. We are also collecting stories of God’s faithfulness to local PCA churches as they look back at their history, and forward to where God is leading them. We invite your session clerks to send such stories this month to Marlys Roos at [email protected]. Marlys is the Publications Director for PCA’s CDM. All the information and related resources are available on, including a link where individuals and churches can sign up to pray at certain times throughout that entire day. The documents for the upcoming 30th Stated Meeting of the Tidewater Presbytery have been updated and are posted in the members-only section of the website. Contact the Stated Clerk for the password.